The CSWS® program is the most comprehensive certification course on sherry wines.
Join us for a deeper specialized knowledge about the region, sherry, and manzanilla de Sanlúcar appellations, and the factors that shape their uniqueness and vast diversity. If you are looking for high quality education on sherry wines, this program is for you.
With the appointment of the sherry and manzanilla DO’s and support of WSG.
CSWS® was created by Lustau 5 years ago, with the support of the Sherry Regulatory Council to guarantee a program of exceptional level of content, accuracy, and with academic rigor that has benefited the wine industry professional searching for an in-depth sherry education. Now this valuable program goes digital to bring its wealth of information directly to you.
Get the Certified Sherry Wine Specialist CSWS®with a 1 – week instructor-led study program consisting of 2 live review webinars.
;A downloadable study manual for your digital device
and materials to boost your knowledge
2 live webinars with Lustau Brand Educator Lucas Payá
CSWS® highest scoring participants will have an opportunity to be selected to one of only two honorary seats reserved annually by Cesar Saldaña (President of the Sherry Regulatory Council) to the Sherry Educator course in Jerez, Spain
Printed and digital kit for use of your earned CSWS® title
and one year access to the personalized online concierge service with Lucas Payá.
Tasting of 6 Lustau sherry wines
The Lustau mixed case contains six 375ml Lustau wine bottles that showcase various styles of sherry, climate, and aging differences. This mixed case is also a formidable tool for creating an extraordinary culinary experience. It offers endless enjoyable opportunities, sipping on their own, paired with your favorite foods, and your choice in simple or elaborate cocktails. Enjoy them in precious alone time, intimate gatherings, and social get-togethers. The array of styles is perfect for all occasions.
The course provides committed students of wine with an unparalleled set of study tools designed to maximize learning and boost knowledge retention.
The wine professionals and enthusiasts who successfully pass the certification exam are awarded the CSWS® credential granting them an established international recognition as a sherry wines specialist.

Inbox the 360 wine experience with Lustau.
The CSWS® education program is designed to take the diversity and versatility of sherry wines to the student. Wines to be tasted have been selected by WSG and Lustau Educator, Lucas Payà to enable students to understand the wide variety of sherry styles.